Monday, July 6, 2009

Living and Learning

"It's only by going down into the abyss
that we recover the treasures of life.
Where you stumble
there lies your treasure.
The very cave you are afraid to enter
turns out to be the source of
what you were looking for."
Joseph Campbell

*interesting & "catchy" :)

Its Monday afternoon. 6th of July and off we go.. week 6. (FIM mid term test 1 on the following day). I kept thinking what drives me to have that positive energy during the year 2008. Is it because of the new environment which somehow sparked the passion in me or there's something else.

Presently, I must say that I'd lost that kind of spirit to keep going.. Maybe I need to take a break and look at the whole picture from a different perspective. Whenever I'm down, flipping the pages of books by Andrew Matthews such as Follow Your Heart and Being Happy does the trick besides music and many other ways to rejuvenate myself. Perhaps there's a need to come up with a new plan and chart new direction for where I'm heading to..

Looking back at 'yesteryear', Jerrick's group came up with a tagline "Just Be Yourself" for their group presentation. It was linked to Nike's "Just Do It". How nice if I can combine both. I guess imagination and consistency might just be what I'm looking for.

Time to move on as I walk towards the next door.
Seasonal 'blogger' like myself will only be around to pen a word or two when the time is right. haha..