Monday, March 9, 2009


I'm a La Sallian in the early 90's then and was told by a teacher that time is gold. Over the years, I discovered the real meaning behind it. In fact, it is more than "gold" where even money can't buy. Well, of course I have the intention to turn back time and restart the whole thing again but nevertheless in reality, it cannot be done. What seems to be possible is to move forward and do what is right to achieve a specific target / goal. 

Putting time aside..

Last Thursday, I was at my former secondary school (SMKSP) in Ipoh. During my visit down memory lane, there were many changes taken place especially the exterior part of each block. The following painting somehow managed to grab my attention. 

I guess there will be differences in opinion. Likewise, I would instead put it in this way, "If a person managed to change himself (towards the positive side), he would most likely succeed in creating an impact on others as well."